已知:一个完全竞争市场中的生产厂商的短期成本函数为STC=Q^3-10*Q^2+100*Q+500,其中Q为产量。 问:(1)求出该厂商短期平均可变成本SAVC和短期平均固定成本SAFC; (2)但市场价格P=100时,求该厂商的产量; (3)求出该厂商的“停止营业点”; (4)求出该厂商在短期内的供给曲线。
解答:(2)“完全竞争市场中的厂商”意味着对该厂商至少在微观经济学理论中存在两个约束。首先,厂商的行为应当符合“理性人假设”,即该厂商追求自身利润最大化;其次,厂商的经济行为对整个市场没有任何影响,即该厂商是市场价格的接受者。以上两个约束翻译成数学语言就是,1、边际成本MC=边际收益MR(利润函数的一元表达式取极值的一阶条件);2、价格P=100(对分析该厂商的经济行为而言,市场价格是一个常数,或局外变量)。联立上述等式可得结果。 (3)当一个理性生产厂商决定停止生产,意味着此时选择继续生产和停止生产所造成的成本损失是相同的,而为了避免承担继续生产带来的隐性成本,厂商选择停业。从成本函数上来看,即此时的市场价格刚好能补偿短期平均可变成本SAVC,而损失全部的固定成本FC。又因为可变成本是由生产产生而与产量相关的成本,故当生产停止时可变成本为零。以数学语言表示为,1、P=SAVC;2、P=MR=MC。联立两个等式可得SAVC=MC,进一步可得结果。
解答完以上两个小问题之后,我假设大家至少有两个疑问: 1、为什么以上分析和解答中没有结合成本曲线的图像和微观经济学中关于生产者成本分析的一些阶段性结论(即需要大家背下来的经济学定律和结论); 2、所谓的“数学的眼光”在分析与解答中具体扮演了什么角色。
对于大多数有经济学学习背景的同学,正确理解微观经济学和宏观经济学分别被别称为“价格理论”和“国民收入决定理论”的原因并不是一件难事。然而,要达成这一认识一般认为需要不仅是消耗一定时间的对整个微宏观经济学理论的学习,同时还需要一个足够聪明的脑子(开玩笑哈!!!)。确实,对于经济学零基础的跨考考生而言,我们很难在有限的时间内与这些“专业”的同学竞争。但是,如果想要追求”弯道超车“,那就必须摒弃传统的学习理念和方法,在我看来,那就是采取用数学的眼光看待经济学。 虽然并不是所有的现代科学都是发源于规范化研究的,但一旦一门科学进入了“现代科学”的范畴,这就意味着该门科学具备了一套可以完整包含并有机联系其全部内容的、规范化的、自洽的理论体系,且毫不意外地,该体系还可以指明学科研究方向(计算机技术对经济学研究的渗透,其实质是数学思维以计算机工具为载体在经济学研究领域的实现,具体的研究方向是经济学的,但研究的方式却是数学的,或者说计算机的,即过去被认为是经济学研究过程中一大阻碍的海量数据获取和基本分析在今天已经被基本克服,未来的经济学研究过程中更应该关注数据的处理模型)。科学的这一发展逻辑听上去是不是很耳熟?对了,这和数学的发展逻辑有着相当的一致性(数学部分地因其不可被证伪性而不属于科学)。因此,我们可以按照数学逻辑大厦的建筑原理来看待经济学理论(为严谨,这里必须将经济学中的实证研究剥离,而仅仅只是讨论业已被公认的经济学理论)。
Understanding Economics and prevailing in the postgraduate examination through a Mathematical lens.
Since my initiative was to provide you with an alternate and first-hand experience in preparing for the exam,I’ll let one of the questions which had been demonstrated in last year’s exam be the starter of my paper.
Question: Given that a perfectly competitive manufacturer has its total cost within a short-term state as Q^3-10*Q^2+100*Q+500, while Q stands for the Quantity of its product. Please answer the following questions: (1)How are the SAVC and SAFC of this manufacturer? (2)How much is the Q of this manufacturer when the market price equals 100? (3)At what price will this manufacturer shut out(the Shutout Point)? (4)How’s the Supply Curve for this manufacturer in the short-term?
Hints: considering our discussion is mainly focused on solving economical problems via a mathematical lens and the scarcity of your time, we’ll have to work out only the (2) and (3) questions.
Solutions: (2)when the rational manufacturers facing a perfectly competitive market, it means, in other words, they’re subjected to at least two clauses or restraints. Firstly, all rational economic entities scrutinize and perform their economic behaviors in great accordance with the ultimate goal of achieving its optimal interest of which, in this case, the maximization of its profit; Secondly, they’re passively receiving the market price which makes them ‘price taker’. As in a mathematical approach: 1, MC(Marginal Costs)=MR(Marginal Revenue); 2,P(given by the market)=100. Combined these two equations, we have MR=MC=P=100. From here, we can easily have the final answer to this question.
(3)when the manufacturer decides to shut out it means its loss will be no different whether stops or continue its operation. In other words, the market price equals the SAVC(Short-term Average Variable Costs) and that makes the sales revenue can only compensate the SAVC while the loss of FC(Fixed Costs) remains all the same. As a result, the rational manufacturer decides to stop operating to at least saving some operating costs. Again, as in a mathematical approach: 1,P=SAVC; 2,P=MR=MC. Combined these two equations, we have SAVC=MC. From here, we can easily find out the final result.
After finished solving this economic problem, I’ll assume you have at least two confusions:
1, why there’s no economic curves or economic theories involved; 2, what is the role of your so-called mathematical lens in solving that problem. Challenge me on this matter as you may. Before we voyage deduction and illustration of my theory, let me assert one firm belief that serving as my code of conduct in learning: the most beneficial and important acquirement of learning is not always the number of things that you’ve already know, but the philosophy behind them and the logic governs them as an integral whole.
For starters, as a college graduate with no common educational background, you may call me anything but an economic student. And driven by limited preparation time together with my stubbornness, I had no choice but to study economics alternately. I’m no exception when started my journey by kicking myself into the wonderland of economics and got unsurprisingly kicked out only a few days later. But such a dreadful experience can’t freak me out for the desperation and helplessness of my previous life(LOL), I started to make a hypothesis that learning economics is just like learning math.When learning math we only have to focus on the mathematical definitions and axioms(the fundamental and self-evident truths in mathematics). Likewise, learning economics, especially its normative theories, the only fundamentals we have to remember are the economical definitions(terminologies) and generally acknowledged truths in economics.
Quite abstract and full of blah blah, isn’t it? Let’s get back to the economic problem I had mentioned at the beginning. The premises are the rationality of the manufacturer and the Price mechanism, miraculously, these subjects are in magnificent resemblance with the irrelevance of independent variables and functional relationships in mathematics. More specifically, question (2) is nothing but executing the process of finding out the optimal solution of a single-variable function under one subject(P=100). As for question(3), we can easily understand the literal meaning of ‘Shutout point’ and then translate this economic problem into a mathematical one: a single-variable function can be divided or interpreted into two other functions according to the given economic background, and then, we have to translate the economic fundamentals into a mathematical relationship to find out the optimal solution.
Enough with the micro-image of economics, we start to draw a bigger picture and map out some core clues for the world of economics, of course, through a mathematical lens.
For all the economics students with a decent education, it’s no surprise that they can easily understand the reason for calling microeconomics ‘a price theory’ and macroeconomics ‘a theory of national income determination’. However, the story behind such fact is all too much less delighted nor obscure. To achieve possessing this understanding of economics requires you of comprehensive learning of the subject and, indispensably, a beautiful mind(LOL)… Indeed, it’s always not an easy task for us newbies or laymen to compete with those ‘professional ones’, especially within a limited time. But things will be much different once we start to perceive and reconsider this matter with my approach, that is, the mathematical lens.
Although not all modern science is derived from normative research, once they got their name titled with ‘modern’ it means a normative and self-consistent theoretical system governing all current findings and materials, and unsurprisingly, guiding its directions of future research. Sounds familiar, isn’t it? This doctrine also applies to the development of math. So, in this sense, we start to reconstruct the building with the original manual books changed into a mathematical one.
First things first, like working on establishing a fully operational command of mathematics, we have to determine the fundamental laws and mechanisms in economics. (Frankly, this kind of approach requires you a rightful understanding of mathematical logic which is substantially different from our traditional and widely accepted norms in pre-college educations.) The functionality of mathematical functions is at the same core position as the functionality of economics, in other words, the specific independent variables(consumers, producers in microeconomics and national incomes, price level in macroeconomics) we put into the functions(market mechanism and fiscal, financial policies) will generate(the miraculous law of humanity) certain dependent variables(all other economic indicators). So, the main task for us layman in learning economics is not to deploy the strategy of rote memorizing those ‘fancy’ terminologies but locating the only few key variables and then focus on the way they interconnected with an adequate number of preliminary exercises keeping you away from being diverted into wrong directions. After gaining some sense in economics, you only need to detail the previous process into every sector of economics while using the same learning pattern. Of course, just as how it is in studying math, economics also requires you of having a reasonable amount of exercise at all levels. That is to say, instead of memorizing all its materials in a rote manner, we can easily have them carved deep into our minds through relentlessly performing them within a unified system. Only when things are interconnected intensively can’t they be forgotten or missed. Examining the formation of the Internet and you will know it thoroughly. (PS: Just for clarification that my analysis base on one obvious condition that this mathematical approach can only be practical when the economic problems are quantifiable.)
去年,红宝书团队很多专业的学员都取得了非常不错的成绩,经济学和管理学一共50来个专业,很多专业的前几名都是来自我们的辅导班,还有好几个专业学员上岸人数超过专业招生人数50%,最让我们骄傲的是行管这个专业,32名统招生全部是我们的学员,占比100%。目前,红宝书各专业全程班正在进行中,课程包含:基础课+强化课+冲刺课+日常答疑+作业批改+阶段测试+考前实战测试。需要报名的同学现在还可以上车哦。可添加学姐领取详细课程安排,vx:nina_ss1 |